Hi, I’m Fillipe, a very communicative person who loves to help people. As a software engineer with more than 15 years of experience, I can work in many domains of software development, performing as a Full Stack Developer.

My coding journey began in 1998 when I was only 14 years old and my father decided to give me a HTML book. At that time the Web was still coming to light and my father as an IT manager of a big bank in Brazil knew that thing was promising somehow.  

I was so excited that I had a 386 computer at home with a 14.400 bps US Robotics modem. So I read that book very enthusiastically because I was able to create static web sites and also publish at geocities.com. I did not stop, it was like an avalanche learning everything I could. 

After HTML pages, in the same year, I started creating scripts for mIRC just reading the help section. It was called SmartScript. I published on a website for free download and usage. That was the first time I could feel the sensation of making something useful for someone, and I liked It so much.  

In the next year, 1999, my father said: continue son, here is a brand new book for you, but this time it comes with a CD and you will change the Operational System. The book was entitled “Conectiva Linux Red Hat version Marumbi”, a brazilian version of Linux. At this time I was double excited, because my father added the multimedia kit to the PC. I installed the Linux OS and did every single task contained in this book. I Learned a lot about new commands and shell script. Everything was new to me. I was used to MS-DOS only. And we all know it's quite different. :)

The 2000 year arrived, I was still 15 years old and working in a company fixing computers, dealing with hardware and creating the website of the company. It was enough to take my attention away from school and my mother decided that I shouldn’t go to that job any more.

I was bored at home, even creating my scripts and websites. I wanted a job. When I turned 16 the same year, my father again came up with something new to me. This time he enrolled me in a web development course in Aracaju - SE, the city where I was born. Then I started learning in a professional way how to create web sites using HTML, Javascript, CSS, ASP, SQL Server and ActionScript with Flash 4.  

Right after I finished this course, the school where I studied released a website creation contest. The award was a last generation computer. I said: this was made for me. Opportunity at the right time. I was prepared. Few people in the school knew how to create a static web site. I knew how to create dynamic web applications. I was really ahead and I knew it. I created a beautiful and functional web site and won the contest. This changed my life.

So I started offering to create websites for companies that would like to be on the internet for the first time. Companies like shoes store, book store, and construction store became my first customers. I saw the money flowing to my pocket like the birds fly over the sky. First time earning money is always unforgettable. 

Things started to become so serious that I had to open a company when I turned 18. But at the same time I entered the University (2003), lot’s of things to study and the main thing: I had to pay for my course.

Computer Science was a very expensive one and my company was not giving profit yet. I had to choose between studying or being an entrepreneur at that time. I decided to quit the company and do the bachelor's degree.  

My father said he would pay only for the first semester of my university. Then I went after a Job. For my luck I found a 50% scholarship in the same university to work part-time as a developer. With all my skills it was very easy to grab the opportunity and I was doing what I wanted.

A friend of mine told me to study Java saying that Java was the language of the future. So as a good learner and curious as I am, I went to study Java deeply, everyday.

In the third semester of university (2004) I was able to find a new Job. A full-time one to work in a call centre company. This was the first time I had contact with Java in a professional way.  I had the opportunity to work with Java EE, using EJB, JSP and Oracle DB. My Boss was very intelligent and a deep knower of Oracle DB. I learned a lot about databases with him - how to create procedures, functions and create complex queries. That was awesome. My other colleague knew a lot about Java. He was a perfect mentor for me. 

In 2005 I did an interview and was selected to work for the municipal government. In this one I kept working with Java and related technologies. But there was something interesting: There were 3 types of databases to take care of. SQL Server, PostgreSQL and Oracle DB (the only one I was familiar with). There I also learned how to design systems from scratch using UML. My last job I only maintained or created new features for an existing system. So this was a new thing to me.I loved it.  

When I was one year away from finishing the bachelor’s degree I received an invitation to join the IT Department of the University as a Programmer. That was one of the best moments in my life. I didn't go after it. It was a surprise to me to be invited by my professor out of the blue. This professor worked in the IT Department also. I was very excited because I was the only one working there that didn’t have a bachelor degree and very young compared to the others. I was working with very smart people. In this job, I worked with very serious academic systems of this University and I improved so much my knowledgment in developing web applications. I used Java EE, JSP, PL/SQL in Oracle DB and Weblogic.

11 months later I received another invitation to work for the government again, but this time to work for the State Government. And to my surprise, the role was to coordinate a software development team of 4 people. It was my first time doing this position. I didn't know how it would be. I was doing great. Initiated the department, chose my team and also participated in the development of web-based systems using Java, EJB, JSP and PostgreSQL. 

It was too good, but it didn't last long. I went to Recife - PE, to do an interview in order to join a very respected technology immersion - a software residency. I cleared the interview and moved to another city. I Can say I had one of the best academic learning of my life. Only good teachers, with awesome background. I was studying in one of the best universities, reference in computer science (Universidade Federal de Pernambuco) in a program working for a multinational (Motorola). That was definitely an enriching experience. I Had the opportunity to develop automated test cases for the global stress lab of Motorola. I had contact with teams located in the USA and India. This accelerated my desire to live abroad. 

What I did? Right after finishing this course I sold my motorcycle, went to a tourism agency and bought an enrollment in a ESL (English As Second Language) course in a college in Toronto / Canada. This was the end of 2007 year. I lived in Canada until the end of 2008. One year learning english. But as I wanted to work with IT, I started studying for an international certification and  cleared the SCJP exam. I did some interviews, cleared all of them. But there was a problem: My VISA. I was just a student. I Couldn’t work with that VISA Status. 

I came back to Brazil to apply for the right VISA, the work permit or maybe the permanent resident to live in Canada again but this time would be forever. I was intending to get a Job in Brazil while I gathered the documents and prepared to sign-up for immigration. I was going to São Paulo as very good opportunities and great companies was situated over there. But I received an Invitation to come back to Aracaju - SE, my city. I accepted and started working at PETROBRAS as a Software Engineer, developing applications to support oil and gas exploration, using Java and Oracle DB.

Within 6 months, before I applied for immigration, a friend of mine called to go to Fortaleza - CE to take a contest. Whoever passed this test would be called to work for the federal government in Brazil. I cleared the exam and I found myself in a difficult decision situation. So I decided to have the experience of working as a public employee for the government and there I worked for 13 years. I was very young when I passed this exam. At the same time I already carried good experience, I have learned a lot in this current position. I have been working as a Software Engineer since the first day, helping citizens from everywhere in Brazil through the delivery of high quality software. At DATAPREV engineers develop complex and scalable applications using the latest technologies, with the best people involved on projects. I participated in crucial and impact projects such as Brazilian Social Security System, Social Security Ombudsman System and the System of Information of the Public Regimes of Social Security. In 2020/2021 I participated in one of the most important and impactful projects in the history of Brazil: Pandemic Emergency Support. We had to define, design, implement and adapt, in a record time, new features to the various softwares of the federal government provides to the population in order to support the payment of benefits to millions of people. I basically used Javascript, Typescript, HTML, Java EE and related technologies like EJB, Spring Boot, JSF and Weblogic. DB is Oracle for most of the projects I participated in and I also created RestFul Web Services. DATAPREV provides reliable systems, in a clustered environment, with high availability and low latency. Most of the time I participated in the definition of high level software design and low level software design. 

Meanwhile, In 2019 I decided to venture around again, but without leaving my current job, I founded a Startup to solve a pain: Customers sitting at a table in a restaurant. Sometimes they don’t see the waiter. So I had the idea in the middle of 2019, when there was no pandemic yet, to create a solution to allow consumers to send orders directly to the kitchen or bar without calling the waiter. This idea originated a complex system that includes two different mobile apps - one for the waiters and another for customers (both for ios/android), admin panel, orders panel, a robust backend and lots of incredible features such as integration with payment gateway, integration with fiscal gov systems, integration with google maps api and so on.

I was CEO and Software Engineer. Here I used Vue.js, React Native, Dart language, Flutter framework, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL, Git, Linux, Docker, Firebase Cloud Messaging, Google Maps API, MercadoPago API, Heroku, AWS RDS for PostgreSQL, AWS S3, AWS EC2 and AWS EBS.

In 2021, I quit my startup and started looking for new challenges as I wanted to broaden my learning path and grow more. 

At that time I received an invitation from a recruiter to participate in an Amazon interview. So I started studying and after one year I cleared the interview. Joined AWS on December/2022 in Vancouver - Canada.

Thanks for reading my journey.